Sunday, February 22, 2009

Politics Anyone?

Today's subject is on politics.... yes, politics. Please don't stop reading here, I would love to hear what you think about this subject.

Since the election of our new president, Barack Obama, I have found myself getting frustrated almost on a daily basis. I am upset by the fact that our so called leaders have pushed the biggest fraudulent bill on the American people and called it "stimulus." That's simply misleading. In essence, the "stimulus package" hardly stimulates. Instead, it is a huge transfer of wealth from the people over to the government, and now the government gets to pick the winners and losers in the game. Not only is this socialistic behavior going to create massive government control and bureaucracy, it will also thrust our economy into a deeper rescission, if not a depressions by the time this is all over. That's not the end of it either! Get this, we have borrowed against our future to pay for this stimulus bill. What does that mean? Me, my kids, grand kids, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, and probably beyond them will be paying for this. Does that sound at all hopeful? Not so much to me.

I'll have to stop there, even though I could write so much more on this subject and explain my rational behind the assertions. I have decided to switch gears in an effort not to go all pessimistic on my blog and lose all two of my followers. The other side must be presented as well. That is this: There's another worldview that has made this country the shining city on a hill. That is simply a reverence to God and His social design for us as His people. By the way, I'm hoping to blog more about this at a latter date, maybe this week sometime. Nevertheless, America needs to wake up and take a close look at what is going on here. We must also look back into history and ask the question, what does freedom actually mean here in America? And how did it come about? In essence, it all comes back to our Creator God. There can be hope for a better tomorrow. We can look forward to the coming days. However, what I'm trying to communicate is that hope will never been found in government. The hope I'm talking about is when we as Americans turn our eyes to the one True God and submit to his social design and plan for our lives, and not become slave to a broken government created by man.

Does this make any sense to anyone? I know others can present this far better than I just did - but I would love to hear some reaction or criticism.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

my Blog.

So I'm going to give blogging a go. It will be interesting to see how this blog develops, as I have never been much of a blogger. Anyway, I've been thinking about doing this for quite some time now, and have always reasoned myself out of maintaining a blog, until today. I have been catching myself wandering around sites like facebook and YouTube both of which one can spend up to several hours indulging in. I was becoming a facebook stalker and slowly transforming into a YouTube nerd, I needed to find a new purpose online, hence this blog.

I do realize I may be my own blog's biggest and only fan. Nevertheless, it gives me a place to document my ideas, thoughts, observations, arguments, opinions, desires, dreams and so much more. I'm not sure what kind of structure this blog will take on but I'll give it my all to make it worth my time in writing and yours in reading.

Okay, here we go!